
Aqui se compartilha conhecimento

Aylmer, R., Aylmer, M., & Dias, M. (2024). Relevance of the Socialization Process in the Brazilian Public Sector: A Review. IJSSHI, 11(7): 8226-8233. DOI: 10.18535/ijsshi/v11i07.02

Ano: 2024 | País: Holanda

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Schmitz , T., & Dias , M. (2024). Literature Review on Return to Work in the Brazilian it Industry . British Journal of Multidisciplinary and Advanced Studies, 5(4), 1–9. DOI: 10.37745/bjmas.2022.04128

Ano: 2024 | País: Inglaterra

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Pan, J. Dias, M. (2024) The Impact of Transformational Leadership on PMSuccess in the Brazilian Private Healthcare System. OJBM, 12, 2553-2570. DOI:  10.4236/ojbm.2024.124132

Ano: 2024 | País: USA

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Aylmer, Rodrigo., Aylmer, R., Aylmer, M., & Dias, M. (2024). Literature Review on Multi-Regional Input-Output Matrices (EE-MRIO). BJMAS, 5(3), 53–73. DOI:10.37745/bjmas.2022.04105

Ano: 2024 | País: Inglaterra

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Santos, M., Dias, M. (2024) The Seven Forces That Shape Trust in Virtual Negotiation OJBM, 12, 2208-2223. doi: 10.4236/ojbm.2024.124113.

Ano: 2024 | País: Estados Unidos

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Pan, J., Dias, M. (2024) Project Management as an Enabler for Efficiency Gains in Private Healthcare: The Brazilian Case. EJTAS2(3), 353-368. DOI: 10.59324/ejtas.2024.2(3). 29

Ano: 2024 | País: Ucrânia

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Stech, P..Naves, B., Coelho, C., Dias, M. (2024) Light Vehicle Rail in São Paulo: Case of Baixada Santista. Global Scientific Journal, 12(5),1-7, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30960.88327

Ano: 2024 | País: Cingapura

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Pan, J., Dias, M. (2024) Healthcare in Brazil: An Overview. British Journal of Multidisciplinary and Advanced Studies: Health and Medical Sciences 5(2),69-89, DOI: 10.37745/bjmas.2022.0475

Ano: 2024 | País: Inglaterra

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Teixeira, E., Kallas, R., Dias, M. (2024) Consumer Purchase Behavior: A Systematic Literature Review. British Journal of Multidisciplinary and Advanced Studies, 5(2),121-131, DOI: 10.37745/bjmas.2022.0472

Ano: 2024 | País: Inglaterra

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Aylmer, R., Aylmer, M., Dias, M. (2024) Socialization Process in the Brazilian Public Sector: The Case of Petrobras. British Journal of Multidisciplinary and Advanced Studies 5(2),67-89. DOI: 10.37745/bjmas.2022.0459

Ano: 2024 | País: Inglaterra

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Fernandes, B. & Dias, M. (2024) Hidden Politics? An Empirical Study on Factors Influencing Business Lobbying in Brazil. AIJBM, 14(4), 440-461. DOI: 10.4236/ajibm.2024.144023.

Ano: 2024 | País: Estados Unidos

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Navarro, R., Dias, M., Duzert, Y. (2024) Nonmarket Nego: Leveraging Performance when Nego with Governments and other Key Stakeholders.BJMAS, 5(2),90-113.DOI: 10.37745/bjmas.2022.0460

Ano: 2024 | País: Inglaterra

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Aylmer, R., Aylmer, M., Dias, M. (2024) Psychological Contract, Symbolic Interactionism, Social Exchange, and Expectation Violation Theories: A Literature Review. EJTAS, 2(2), 605-623. DOI: 10.59324/ejtas.2024.2(2). 53

Ano: 2024 | País: Ucrânia

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Fernandes, B.; Dias, M. (2024) Influential Factors Affecting Business Lobbying in Brazil: An Empirical Study. Journal of Social and Political Sciences, 7 (1), 234-245.DOI:10.31014/aior.1991.07.01.481

Ano: 2024 | País: Indonesia

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Santos, M.; Dias, M. (2024). Exploring The Missing Link Between Trustin Business Negotiation and Virtual Work. EJTAS, 2(2), 291-309. DOI:10.59324/ejtas.2024.2(2). 26

Ano: 2024 | País: Ucrânia

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Santos, M.; Dias, M. (2024). Best Practices for Building Trust in Virtual Business Negotiations,British Journal of Multidisciplinary and Advanced Studies, 5(2),45-66;

Ano: 2024 | País: Inglaterra

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Fernandes, B.; Dias, M. (2024) Business Lobbying: A Systematic Literature Review. Economic and Business Quarterly Reviews, 7(1), 181-193; 10.31014/aior.1992.07.01.568

Ano: 2024 | País: Indonesia

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Dias, M., Vivanco, L., Teixeira, E. (2024) A Systematic Literature Review on Business Cycles and Microeconomics. International Journal of Applied Science, 7(1), 18-33; 10.5281/zenodo.10566368

Ano: 2024 | País: India

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Cruz, Schmidt, & Dias, M. (2023). Case on Fertilizer Inputs Negotiation. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 6(10), 150-163.

Ano: 2023 | País: India

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Dias, M. (2023) Credit Cooperative Debt Collection Negotiation. International Journal of Educational Research, 6(9), 36-49;doi:10.5281/zenodo.8419076

Ano: 2023 | País: India

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Dias, M., (2023) Teaching Materials on Warehouse Construction Negotiation. International Journal of Business Management, 6(9), 89-102, 10.5281/zenodo.8396647

Ano: 2023 | País: India

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Dias, M., (2023) Teaching Materials on Paint Shop Business Negotiation. International Journal of Applied Management Science, 4(9), 1-13, https://

Ano: 2023 | País: India

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Dias, M., (2023) Teaching Materials on Private Healthcare Negotiation. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 6(9), 105-117, 10.5281/zenodo.8396612

Ano: 2023 | País: India

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Dias, M., (2023). Teaching Materials on Security Technician Business Negotiation. International Journal Of Educational Research, 6(8), 12-27; 10.5281/zenodo.8367744

Ano: 2023 | País: India

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Dias, M., (2023). Role-Play Simulation on Locksmith Business Negotiation. GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 6(8), 44-56; 10.5281/zenodo.8359959

Ano: 2023 | País: India

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Dias, M., Lafraia, J. & Schmitz, T. (2023). The Striking Force of Covid-19 on Business, Management, and Economics: A Systematic Review, 6(3), pp. 93-106, BJMMS-PJUXLZZA

Ano: 2023 | País: Nigéria

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Dias, M., Lafraia, J.,Schmitz, T. & Vieira, P. (2023). Systematic Literature Review on Negotiation & Conflict Management. EJTAS, 1(3), 20-31;

Ano: 2023 | País: Ucrânia

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Dias, M. (2023) Curriculum Reform in Brazilian Secondary Education: Creating Global Citizens. Jurnal Inovasi Ekonomi, 8 (1), 27-38;

Ano: 2023 | País: Indonesia

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Dias, M., Pereira, L., Vieira, P., Barbosa, L., Quintão, H., Lafraia, J. (2023) Mediation & Dispute Board Resolution: A Systematic Literature Review. GPH-IJSSHR,6(5), 21-32, 10.5281/zenodo.7952719

Ano: 2023 | País: Nigeria

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Dias, M., Pereira, L., Teles, A. Lafraia, J. (2023) Show Me Your Hands: A Moderator Effect Analysis on Nonverbal Behavior at the Bargaining Table. EJTAS, 1(2), 119-127

Ano: 2023 | País: Ucrânia

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Dias, M., Vieira, P., Pereira, L., Quintão, H., Lafraia, J. (2023) Leadership Theories: A Systematic Review Based on Bibliometric and Content Analysis. IJBM, 6(5), 1-16; doi:10.5281/zenodo.7937272

Ano: 2023 | País: India

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Dias, M., Araujo, C., Schmitz, T., Pereira, L.(2023) Regulatory Agencies in Brazil vs. the United States:  A Comparative Study. IJRSI, 20(4), 41-46;

Ano: 2023 | País: India

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Dias, M., Lafraia, J., Schmitz, T., Pereira, L.(2023) The  Effects  of  Structured Planning  on  Business  Virtual Negotiations after the Pandemic. Research and Analysis Journals 6(04),1-6;

Ano: 2023 | País: Holanda

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Dias, M., Teles,A. (2023) Virtual Focus Group Methodology – Example from IT Industry BJMAS, 4(2),1-13,

Ano: 2023 | País: Inglaterra

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Valente, R., Dias, M. (2023) How To Structure A Retail Pharmacy Business Negotiation.  Gph-International Journal Of Business Management, 6(4), 1-15;

Ano: 2023 | País: India

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Schmitz, T. & Dias, M. (2023) From Face-To-Face to Teleworking: A Literature Review On How Different Types of Work Affect Psychological Well-Being, British Journal of Psychology Research, 11(2), 1-24;

Ano: 2023 | País: Inglaterra

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Teles, A., Dias, M. (2023) Does the Privatization Worth It? Factors Influencing the Quality of the Brazilian Privatization. BJMAS, 4(1),51-71,

Ano: 2023 | País: Inglaterra

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Bernat, B.; Qualharini, E., Castro, M., Dias, M. (2022) Sustainability in PM and Project Success with Teams in Virtual Environment. IJDR, 12(12), 61024-31;

Ano: 2022 | País: India

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Dias, M., (2022) Curriculum Reform in Brazilian Primary Education: Creating Global Citizens. British Journal of Education, 10(16), 23-40; 10.37745/bje.2013/vol10n162339

Ano: 2022 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M., Teles, A (2022) Did Virtual Replace Classroom Teaching? Lessons Learned after COVID-19 JAEP, 6(11) 551-9,

Ano: 2022 | País: Emirados Árabes

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Dias, M., Toledo, R., Silva, A., Santos,M. , Aragão, M, Junior, M., Rocha, C., Silva,G., Marques Filho, C. (2022) Buyer-Seller Negotiation:  Military Cargo Jet Acquisition. GSJ, 10(10), 2481-90.

Ano: 2022 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M.;Pires,R.;Genial, R.;Santos, P.;Araújo, L.;Moura, F.; Lima, S;Nascimento, F. Marques Filho, C. (2022) Case Study on Buyer-Seller Negotiation: Ultrabook Government Acquisition. GSJ (10)9, 1737-45.doi:10.11216/gsj.2022.09.77913

Ano: 2022 | País: Singapore

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Teles, A., Dias, M. (2022) The Evolution of Privatization In Brazil: The Case of Embraer. Intl. Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability, 10(5), 14-29.

Ano: 2022 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M.; Pereira, L; Vieira, P. (2022) A Evolução da Cooperação em Teoria dos Jogos. International Journal of Development Research, 12(8), 58494-99; doi: 10.37118/ijdr.25217.08.2022

Ano: 2022 | País: India

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Amaral Junior, J.C.; Leitão, R. Dias, M. (2022) Maintaining  Military  Observers in the Middle of the  Western  Sahara Desert: A Logistic Challenge. Research and Analysis Journals 5(08): 29-34; doi: 10.18535/raj.v5i8.330

Ano: 2022 | País: Holanda

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Dias,M.;Almeida,F.;Silva;Russo,J.;Machado,V.;Costa,J.;Barbosa,M.;Jornada,F.;Filho, C. (2022) Role-Play Simulation on Vehicle Acquistion: Buyer-Seller Negotiation. GSJ (10)8, 1817-28; doi: 10.11216/gsj.2022.08.77291

Ano: 2022 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M., Fernandes, B., Quintão, H., Coelho, G., Boros, C. (2022) How Does the Violation of Trust Influence Project Management Negotiations? Research and Analysis Journal, 5(8), 17-26; doi: 10.18535/raj.v5i8.313

Ano: 2022 | País: Holanda

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Leitão, R.; Bentes,M. Moura, A.;Deonisio, C.; Dias, M. (2022). As teorias de relações internacionais e a assimetria de poder no contexto do Brasil. IJDR, 12(7), 57547-53, doi: 10.37118/ijdr.24972.07.2022

Ano: 2022 | País: India

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Araujo, C, Dias, M. (2022). The Influence of Stock Exchange Companies on the Quality of Brazilian Higher Education. British Journal of Education, 10(9), 16-50   doi: 10.37745/bje.2013/vo10.n9pp1650

Ano: 2022 | País: Inglaterra

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 Correa, Teles, Dias, M. (2022) A Evolução da Privatização no Brasil. IJDR, 12(7), 57426-35, doi: 10.37118/ijdr.24868.07.2022

Ano: 2022 | País: India

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Dias, M., Pan, J., Vieira, P., & Dias Pereira, L. (2022). From Plato to e-Leaders: The Evolution of Leadership Theories and Styles. Economics and Business Quarterly Reviews, 5(2), 133-146; doi: 10.31014/aior.1992.05.02.420

Ano: 2022 | País: Indonesia

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Marques, R, Dias, M.; Camargo, F. (2022) Literature Review On Multi-Domain Battle. International Journal of Development Research, 12 (4), 55380-84; doi:10.37118/ijdr.24376.04.

Ano: 2022 | País: India

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Silva. G.B., Dias, M. (2022) How do The Governments Promote the Internationalization of Companies? A Multiple Case Study. Social Sciences and HR, 5(4), 1-10;doi: 10.5281/zenodo.684949

Ano: 2022 | País: India

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Dias, M.;Pereira, L; Vieira, P.(2022) Are the Russian Banks Threatened with Removal from SWIFT? A Multiple CaseStudy on Interbank Financial Messaging Systems. IJSRM, 10 (3), 3137-44; doi: 10.18535/ijsrm/v10i3.em1

Ano: 2022 | País: India

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 Silva. G.B., Melo, R.C, Dias, M.(2022) Corporate Entrepreneurship in a Brazilian Public Institution IJDR,12(2), 53955-61; doi: 10.37118/ijdr.23979.02.202

Ano: 2022 | País: India

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Vieira, P.S.; Dias, M.; Silva, G.B.; Dias, P. L. (2022). Brazilian Organizational Culture on Information Security: A Literature Review. IJBM, 5(1), 56-67; doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6844896

Ano: 2022 | País: India

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Silva.G.,Dias, M.,Felicio,R.(2022) A Conceptual Framework for Case Study Analysis on the Internationalization of Latin American Companies.IJAS. 05(01), 01-10

Ano: 2022 | País: India

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Aquino,L.Dias,M.(2022) Business Mediation in Brazil: Key Regulatory Challenges. Social Sciences and HR,5(1),11-19; doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6844777

Ano: 2022 | País: India

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Vieira, P.S.; Dias, M. (2022) A Cultura da Segurança da Informação na Petrobras. IInternational Journal of development Research,12 (2), 53881-53886; doi: 10.37118/ijdr.23992.02.2022

Ano: 2022 | País: India

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Dias, M, Leitão, R., Batista, R., Medeiros, D. (2022) Writing the Deal: Stat. Analysis of Br. Bus. Neg. on Intangible Assets.EJBMR,7(1),1-5; doi:10.24018/ejbmr.2022

Ano: 2022 | País: Bélgica

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Dias, M., Duzert, Y. (2021) The Evolution of Netflix In Brazil: The First Decade. Global Scientific Journal, 9(12), 1828-1842; doi: 10.11216/gsj.2021.12.57011

Ano: 2021 | País: Singapore

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Araújo, C. R; Dias, M. (2021) Políticas de Avaliação e Padrões de Qualidade da Educação Superior no Brasil. IJDR, 11(11), 52284-93 doi: 10.37118/ijdr.23453.11.2021

Ano: 2021 | País: India

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Cunha, N.C., Dias, M. (2021) Contract Negotiation: When the Detail Saved the Day.Global Scientific Journal 9(12), 130-141; doi: 10.11216/gsj.2021.12.56418

Ano: 2021 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M.,et al. (2021) Dealing with Brazilian Indian Tribes: Case on Airbase Runway Building. GSJ, 9(11), 807-17; doi: 10.11216/gsj.2021.11.55779

Ano: 2021 | País: Singapore

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Moura, A; Dias, M. (2021) Responsabilidade pressupões responsabilidade? IJDR, 11(9), 50504-10 doi: 10.37118/ijdr.22862.09.2021

Ano: 2021 | País: India

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Vieira, F.; Leitão, R; Souza Jr., A; Dias, M., (2021) Space Debris Mitigation and the Brazilian Foreign Space Policy. NIJSR, 5(2), 16-21, doi: 10.51550/nijsr.52.16.21

Ano: 2021 | País: Paquistão

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Costa,K., Dias,M., Lopes,R., Cardoso,J. (2021) The Economic Burden of the Obesity in Brazil. EJBMSR, 9(4), 35-47, doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26797.61927

Ano: 2021 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias,M;Madureira, A;Lima,M;
Mororó,C;Leite,A;Prates,W;Salvador,G;Araújo,H;Souza,A;Oliveira,M;Filho,C(2021) RPS on Infantry
Brigade HQ Building Negotiation

Ano: 2021 | País: Singapore

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Leitão,R;Rosales,O;Machado,F;Corrêa,J.V;Dias,M.,Costa,D.(2021) A relação França-Brasil e o agronegócio. IJDR,11(9),50521-31

Ano: 2021 | País: India

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Sotoriva,L;Leitão,R;Dias,M;Marques,R;Araújo,P;Machado,F (2021) FAB Fighter Pilots Threats Perception on Depth Perip.Def.Strat.IJEATS,9(1)28-53,doi:10.37745/ijeats.13

Ano: 2021 | País: Inglaterra

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Vieira,P.,Dias,M.,Lopes,R.,Cardoso,J.(2021)Literature Review on Trust, Psychological Well-Being, and Leadership Applied to the Workplace Commitment BJPR, 9(2), 20-37, doi: 10.37745/bjpr.2013

Ano: 2021 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias,M;Bezerra,A;Sousa,J;Costa,H;Schmitz,F;Santos,C;Moreira,A;Mattos,S;Neves,M;Filho,N;Filho,C(2021)Role-Play Sim. on Civil Engineering Works Negotiation GSJ,9(9),1800-12

Ano: 2021 | País: Singapore

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Sotoriva,L,Leitão,R,Dias,M,Marques,R,Araújo, P,Machado, F
(2021) Defesa aeroespacial EUAxRússia: Guerra Fria à atual.IJDR, 11(9),49976-85.doi: 10.37118/ijdr.22733.09.2021

Ano: 2021 | País: India

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Simul. on Contract Bidding Negotiation GSJ,9(9),486-499

Ano: 2021 | País: Singapore

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Vaz,H.;Filho,C.(2021)Role-Play Simulation on Land Invasion Negotiation.GSJ,9(8),2916-29

Ano: 2021 | País: Singapore

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Teles,G;Mello,B;Moura,R;Salazar,ASotoriva,L.;Mariotti,A;Filho,C.(2021)Role-play Simulation on Buyer-Seller Knowledge Transfer.GSJ,9(8),2340-52

Ano: 2021 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M.; Lopes, R. (2021). O Dilema da Confiança aplicado à Negociação de Escopo em Gerenciamento de Projetos.IJDR, 11(8), pp. 49225-30.

Ano: 2021 | País: India

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Dias, M.; Duzert, Y.; Lopes, R. (2021) Perspectiva Epistêmica do Processo de Negociação. International Journal of Development Research, 11(7), 48803-10. doi: 10.37118/ijdr.22463.07.2021

Ano: 2021 | País: India

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Dias, M.; Lopes, R. (2021). A Confiança transformativa em negociações. International Journal of Development Research, 11(6),48178-82. doi: 10.37118/ijdr.22261.06.2021

Ano: 2021 | País: India

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Sotoriva, L.;Marques, R;Leitão, Dias, M.; R; Araújo, P.; Machado, F.(2021) LR on Conventional Deterrence and Ground-Based Air Defense. GSJ,9(8),781-790.doi:

Ano: 2021 | País: Singapore

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Lopes, R; Dias, M; Qualharini, E. (2021) Competitive Strategies with BSC and Project Portfolio Management: A Conceptual Model. Global Scientific Journal, 9(8), 676-685. doi: 10.11216/gsj.2021.08.53110

Ano: 2021 | País: Singapore

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Lopes, R; Massioui, F.;Barros, S.; Dias, M. (2021) Towards the Assessment of Factors That Affect Transaction Costs in O&G Projects In Brazil: An Empirical Study. GSJ, 9(7), 3427-45.doi: 10.11216/gsj.2021.07.52824

Ano: 2021 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M.; Silva, L. (2021) Role-Play Simulation on Basic Sanitation Services Contract Negotiation. Global Scientific Journal, 9(6), 1081-1098.doi: 10.11216/gsj.2021.06.51827

Ano: 2021 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M.; Lopes, R. (2021). A Evolução dos Municípios no Brasil: das Origens à Atualidade.IJDR, 11(6), pp. 47751-55. doi:

Ano: 2021 | País: India

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Lopes,R; Massioui,F; Bahli,B; Barros, S; Dias, M.(2021)
The Comp. Circumstantial
Trust in PM Environment: Validation of the Scale Model
JMPM, 8(3),136-145.
doi: 10.19255/JMPM02512

Ano: 2021 | País: Canada

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Dias, M. (2021) Is the Covid-19 Pandemic Promoting More Empathetic Internal Business Negotiations? IRJCMS, 3(2), 51-64.doi: 10.684/m9.figshare.14346521

Ano: 2021 | País: Paquistao

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Simoni, Dias, M. (2021)
Literature Review on Factors
that Impact Burnout
IJH PR, 9(1), 1-17.doi:10.6084/

Ano: 2021 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M. Waltz, F;Oliveira, B.. (2021) Teaching Materials on Software Contract Negotiation.  GSJ 9(1), 2499-2508. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10976.61448

Ano: 2021 | País: Singapore

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Simoni, M, Dias, M. (2020) Literature Review on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
British Journal of Psychology Research, 8(4), 39-47.
doi: 10.6084/

Ano: 2020 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M., Lopes, R. (2020) The Age of Protocols: How
the COVID-19 Pandemic Reshaped our Society.
EAS Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, 2 (5), 17-21. doi: 10.36349/easjpbs.2020

Ano: 2020 | País: Kenya

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Dias, M. (2020) The Effectiveness of Mediation in Brazilian Business Negotiations. European Modern Studies Journal, 4(5), 181-188.doi:10.6084/

Ano: 2020 | País: Ucrania

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Sartori, S.; Jantsch, M. Dias, M. Navarro, R. (2020) Negotiating with Indigenous Peoples:
Land Area Acquisition for the Fulkaxó Reserve in Brazil.
Saudi JEF, 4(9), 457-461.doi: 10.36348/sjef.2020

Ano: 2020 | País: UEA

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Dias, M. (2020) Netflix: from Apollo 13 to the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Global Scientific Journals, 8(8), 21-35.doi: 10.11216/gsj.2020.08.42678

Ano: 2020 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M. (2020) Predictive Model on Intangible Assets Negotiation: Linear Regression Analysis. Journal of Xidian University, 14(7), 1420-1433. doi: 10.37896/jxu14.7/161

Ano: 2020 | País: China

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Dias, M.; Lopes, R.; Teles, A. (2020) Nonparametric Analysis on Structured Brazilian Business Negotiations. Global Scientific Journal 8(6), 1511-22. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13318.60482

Ano: 2020 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M. (2020) Is There Any Difference Between Night and Day Business Negotiations? A Statistical Analysis. Journal of Xidian University, 14(6), 2417 - 2430. doi: 10.37896/jxu14.6/287

Ano: 2020 | País: China

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Dias, M., Lopes, R. (2020) Do Social Stereotypes Interfere in Business Negotiations? British Journal of Marketing Studies,
(4), 16-26. doi: 10.6084/

Ano: 2020 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M. Navarro, R. (2020). Three-Strategy Level Negotiation Model and Four-Type Negotiation Matrix Applied to BFG Nego Cases. British JMMS, 3(3), 50-66. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12479861

Ano: 2020 | País: Nigeria

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Dias, M., Lopes, R., Duzert, Y. (2020) Mapping the Game: Situational versus Structured Negotiations. Saudi Journal of Economics and Finance, 4(6): 271-275. doi: 10.36348/

Ano: 2020 | País: UEA

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Dias, M. (2020) Structured versus Situational Business Negotiation Approaches. Journal of Xidian University, 14(6), 1591 - 1604. doi: 10.37896/jxu14.6/192

Ano: 2020 | País: China

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Dias, M., Lopes, R., Cavalcanti, G., Golfetto, V. (2020) Role-Play Simulation on Software Contract Negotiation. Global Scientific Journals, 8(6), 1-10. doi: 10.11216/gsj.2020.06.40176

Ano: 2020 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M. (2020) The Four-Type Negotiation Matrix: A Model for Assessing Negotiation Processes. British Journal of Education, 8(5), 40-57. doi: 10.

Ano: 2020 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M., Lopes, R., Teles, A., Castro, A., Pereira, A. (2020) Teaching Materials on Extrajudicial Settlement Negotiation. Global Scientific Journals, 8(5), 1529-1539. doi: 10.11216/gsj.2020.05.39996

Ano: 2020 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M., Lopes, R., Teles, A. (2020) Will Virtual Replace Classroom Teaching? Lessons from Virtual Classes via Zoom in the Times of COVID-19. JA. in Education and Philosophy, 4(5), 208-213. doi: 10.36348/jaep.2020

Ano: 2020 | País: UEA

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Dias, M., Lopes, R. (2020) Will the COVID-19 Pandemic Reshape our Society?  EAS Journal of Hum and Cultural Studies, 2(2), 93-97. doi: 10.36349/EASJHCS.2020

Ano: 2020 | País: Kenya

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Dias, M., Lopes, R., Teles, A. (2020) Could Boeing 737 MAX Crashes be Avoided? Factors that Undermined Project Safety.  Global Scientific Journals, 8(4), 187-196. doi: 10.11216/gsj.2020.04.38187

Ano: 2020 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M., Lopes, R. (2020). Case on Leading Commercial Aircraft in the Brazilian Domestic Aviation Market.  IJAR in Accounting, Finance, and Mgmt Sciences, 10(1), 165-171. doi: 10.6007/

Ano: 2020 | País: Paquistao

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Dias, M., Lopes, R. (2020). Case on fatal Ship Failure Services: Onboard.  Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Kuwait Chapter), 9(1), 10-19 doi: 10.1

Ano: 2020 | País: Kuwait

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Cruz, Bruno.S.; Dias, Murillo. (2020). COVID-19: from Outbreak to Pandemic.  Global Scientific Journals, 8(3), 2230-2238. doi: 10.11216/gsj.2020.03.37636

Ano: 2020 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M. (2020). Case on Domestic Air Passenger Transport Market in Brazil. The Journal of Middle East and North Africa Sciences, 6(4), 5-9. doi: 10.13140/RG.

Ano: 2020 | País: Jordania

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Soares, C.; Magalhães, M.; Barroca, J.; Dias, M. (2020). Investment Capital Budget Method Oriented to Project Management.  Global Scientific Journals, 8(3), 855-870. doi: 10.11216/gsj.2020.03.37108

Ano: 2020 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M.; Lopes, R.; Teles, A. (2020). Air Passenger Transportation: Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.  Journal of Xidian University, 14(3), 78-84. doi: 10.

Ano: 2020 | País: China

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Dias, M., Lopes, R. (2020).Air Cargo
Transportation in Brazil
Global Scientific Journals. 8(2), 4180-4190.

Ano: 2020 | País: Singapore

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Cruz, B.S.; Dias, M. (2020). Does Digital Privacy Really Exist? When the Consumer Is the Product.  Saudi JTE, 5(2),0-4. doi: 10.36348/

Ano: 2020 | País: UEA

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Dias, M. (2020). Air Transportation in Brazil: São Paulo Congonhas Airport.  Global Scientific Journals, 8(2), 3244-3252. doi: 10.11216/gsj.2020.02.35259

Ano: 2020 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M. (2020). Fatality, Malpractice, or Sabotage?
Case on Craft Beer Poisoning in Minas Gerais,
  EAS Multidisciplinary Bulletin, 3(1),26-31.
doi: 10.36349/

Ano: 2020 | País: Kenya

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Cruz, B.S.; Dias, M. (2020). Crashed Boeing 737-MAX: Fatalities or Malpractice?   Global Scientific Journals, 8(1), 2615-2624. doi: 10.11216/gsj.2020.01.34917

Ano: 2020 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M. (2019). Air transportation in Brazil: Guarulhos International Airport.  SAR Journal of Business and Management, 1(4), 182-187. doi: 10.36346/sarjbm. 2019.v01i04.004

Ano: 2020 | País: Bangladesh

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Dias, M., Lopes, R. (2019). Rail Transportation in Brazil: Challenges and Opportunities.  Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Kuwait Chapter), 8(4), 40-49. doi:10.

Ano: 2019 | País: Oman

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Craveiro, Mariana F. & Dias, M. (2019). Case on Brazilian Public Health Information System.  Global Scientific Journals, 7(10), 1-11.

Ano: 2019 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M. (2019). Brasilia International Airport and the Evolution of Civil Aviation in Brazil.  EAS Journal of Economics, Business, and Mgmt, 2(12),734-737.
doi: 10.36349/EASJEBM.2019

Ano: 2019 | País: Kenya

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Dias, M.; Lopes, R. (2019). The Evolution of Civil Aviation in Brazil: Rio de Janeiro International Airport Galeão/Tom Jobim. JResLit Journal of Science and technology, 1(2), 1-6. doi:10.13140/

Ano: 2019 | País: EUA

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Dias, M.; Pessanha, M. T. (2019). Air Passenger Transportation in Latin America.  Global Scientific Journals, 7(1), 144-156. doi: 10.11216/gsj.2019.11.30373

Ano: 2019 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M. (2019). The Effectiveness of Provisory Measures (MPs) in Brazil. International Journal of Law research, 5(5), 10-16. doi:10.

Ano: 2019 | País: India

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Dias, M. (2019). Brazilian Legislation on Executive
Power: Provisory or
Permanent Measures?
  SIJl of Law, Crime and Justice,
2(10), 336-341.doi:10.36348

Ano: 2019 | País: UEA

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Dias,M.(2019).Santos Dumont Airport: Civil Aviation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  Saudi Journal of
Engineering and Technology
4(10), 418-421.

Ano: 2019 | País: UEA

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Dias, M. (2019). Air Passenger Transportation in Brazil.  Global Scientific Journals. 7(10), 310-317. doi: 10.13140/

Ano: 2019 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M. (2019). People, Process, and Substance: Current Definitions on Negotiation.  International Journal of Commerce and Economics, 1 (4),1-9.doi:10.

Ano: 2019 | País: India

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Craveiro, & Dias, M. (2019). Case on Brazilian Health Care Unit on Pulmonary Tuberculosis.  Global Scientific Journals, 7(12), 613-625. doi: 10.11216/gsj.2019.12.32559

Ano: 2019 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M. (2019). Current Facts on Brazilian Cooperative Societies.  Global Scientific Journals, 7(9), 624-633. doi: 10.

Ano: 2019 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M. (2019). Is it Worth Competing at the Bargaining Table?  Global Scientific Journals, 7(9), 1-14. doi: 10.

Ano: 2019 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M.; Lopes, R. (2019).
Role Play Simulation on Farm Debt: Brazilian Case.  SRRG IJHSS, 6(4), 84-9.3doi:10.112/

Ano: 2019 | País: India

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Dias, M. (2019). Teaching Materials on Brazilian Dairy Producer Negotiation.  GSJ, 7(8), 1052-1064. doi: 10.

Ano: 2019 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M.; Lopes, R. (2019). Teaching Materials: Role-Play Simulation on Small Business Debt Collection in Brazil.  IJMTE, 9(8), 237-249. doi:16.10089/IJMTE.2019

Ano: 2019 | País: India

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Dias, M. (2019). Teaching Materials: Role-Play Simulation on Individual Business Debt Collection in Brazil.  GSJ, 7(8), 844-859. doi: 10.11216/gsj.2019.08.26134

Ano: 2019 | País: Singapore

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Dias, M. (2019). New Structure on Cooperative Societies in Brazil: Intl. Journal of Mgmt Tec. Ed, 9(8), 202-214. doi:16.10089/IJMTE.2019

Ano: 2019 | País: India

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Dias, M.; Ribeiro, Ana Paula; Lopes, R. (2019). When customers do not pay: A Winning Negotiation Case in Brazil.  Journal of Economics and Business, 2(2), 431-447. doi: 31014/aior.1992.02.02.99

Ano: 2019 | País: Indonesia

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Dias, M.; Silva, C; Lund, M. (2019) Brazilian Credit Cooperatives: Cresol Confederation Case.  IOSR Journal of Business and Mgmt, 21(5), 11-19.  doi: 10.9790/487X-2105051119

Ano: 2019 | País: India

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Dias, M.; Teles, Andre (2019). A Comprehensive Overview of Brazilian Legislation on Credit Cooperatives.  GJPLR, 7(4), 1-12. doi: 10.13140/

Ano: 2019 | País: Inglaterra

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Paradela, V. C.; Dias, M.; Gomes, R.; Passion, L.; Adum, J. (2019) Performance Evaluation Model for Municipal Administration: Case on Cataguases, Minas Gerais.  IJMTE, 9(4), 3537-3554. doi:16.10089/IJMTE. 2019.V9I4.19.27450

Ano: 2019 | País: India

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Dias, M.; Teles, Andre (2019) Credit Co-Operatives in Brazil: Sicredi Case.  International Journal of Advanced Research, 7(4), 194-202. doi: 10.21474/IJAR01/8806

Ano: 2019 | País: India

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Dalacosta, R.; Dias, M.; Meirelles, M. (2019). The Process of Institutionalization of Training Practices: Brazilian Case on Credit Cooperative Cresol Baser.  IJMTE, 9(4), 2915-2929. doi: 16.10089. IJMTE/2019.V9I4.19.27369

Ano: 2019 | País: India

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Dias, M.; Aylmer, R. (2019) Behavioral Event Interview:
Sound Method for In-depth
 Arabian Journal of BMR, 8(1), 1-6. doi:10.13140/

Ano: 2019 | País: Oman

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Paradela, V.; Dias, M.; Sampaio, D.; Plácido, E.; Fernandes, G. (2019). Best Managerial Practices in Retail Business in Juiz De Fora-MG.  IJMTE, 9(3), 3521-3538. doi:16.10089.IJMTE/2019.

Ano: 2019 | País: India

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Dias, M.; Craveiro, F. M. (2019). Brazilian Agriculture Cooperative: Vinícola Aurora CaseIJMTE.  9(3), 2551-2561. doi: 

Ano: 2019 | País: India

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Paradela, V.; Dias, M.; Assis; K.; Oliveira, J.; Fonseca, R. (2019). Preparing Managers for NGOs: A Field to be Explored. SSRG IJEMS, 6(3), 1-10. doi: 10.14445/23939125/IJEMS-V6I3P101

Ano: 2019 | País: India

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Dias, M.; Teles, A, (2019). Facts and Perspectives on Craft Brewing Industry in Brazil.  International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, 9(2), 1020-1028. doi:16.10089/IJMTE.2019 

Ano: 2019 | País: India

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Carvalho, M.; Dias, M. (2019). Consumer Purchase -Behavior: Potential Markets In Argentina For Brazilian E-Book Retailers.  British Journal of Marketing Studies 7(1), 1-25. doi: 10.13140/

Ano: 2019 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M.; Mori, V. (2018). Obstetric Violence in Brazil: An Integrated Multiple Case Study.  Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 8(2),117–128. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31749.40161

Ano: 2019 | País: EUA

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Dias, M.; Duzert, Y., Teles, A. (2018). Boeing, Brazilian Federal Government, And Embraer: Golden Share Veto and The Anatomy of a Joint Venture.  IJBMS, 7(2), 71–80. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14972.18563

Ano: 2019 | País: EUA

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Araújo, F.; Dias, M. (2019). A Sociometric Analysis for The Creation of An Integrated Multicultural Work Team European Journal of Business and Innovation Research, 7(1), 57-86. doi: 10.13140/R

Ano: 2019 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M.; Duzert, Y. (2019). Teaching Materials: Role-Play Simulation on Romantic Involvement In The Workplace.  IJMTE, 9(1), 124-133. doi:16.10089/IJMTE. 2019.V9I01.18.27418

Ano: 2019 | País: India

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Dias, M.; Teles, Andre (2018). Agriculture Cooperatives in Brazil and the Importance for The Economic Development.  IJBRM, 9(2), 72-81. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7832354

Ano: 2018 | País: Malasia

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Dias, M. (2018). Light Vehicle in Rio de Janeiro: Alternative to Public Transportation in Brazil?  Australian Journal of Science and Technology. 2(4), 187-193. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7833362

Ano: 2018 | País: Australia

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Dias, M.; Krein, J.; Streh, E.; Vilhena, J. B. (2018) Agriculture Cooperatives in Brazil: Cotribá Case.  IJMTE 8(12). doi:16.10089.IJMTE.2018

Ano: 2018 | País: India

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Dias, M., Falconi, Davi. (2018), The Evolution of Craft Beer Industry in Brazil.  Journal of Economics and Business, 1(4), 618-626. doi: 10.31014/aior.1992.01.04.55

Ano: 2018 | País: Indonesia

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Dias, M. (2018). Theoretical Approaches on Trust in Business Negotiations.  Saudi Journal of BMS, 3(11), 1228-1234. doi: 10.21276/sjbms.2018.3.11.5

Ano: 2018 | País: UEA

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Dias, M.; Mori, V. (2018). Obstetric Violence in Brazil: an Integrated Case Study.  International Journal of Nursing, Midwife and Health-Related Cases, 4(6), 20-28. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834274

Ano: 2018 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M. (2018). Heineken Brewing Industry in Brazil.  International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, 8(9), 1304-1310. doi:16.10089/IJMTE2156


Ano: 2018 | País: India

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Dias, M.; Teles, Andre (2018). From Animal Traction to LRV: Public Rail Transportation in Rio de Janeiro.  International Journal of Science and Research, 7(11), 765-770. doi: 10.21275/ART20192818

Ano: 2018 | País: India

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Dias, M.; (2018). Seven supportive Theories on Negotiation.  Global Journal of Research Analysis, 7(11), 493-494. doi:10.15373/22778160. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834349

Ano: 2018 | País: India

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Dias, M.; Teles, Andre (2018). General Elections 2018 in Brazil: is Democracy Restored?  International Journal of Advanced Research, 6(10), 1253-1264. doi:10.21474/IJAR01/7932

Ano: 2018 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M.  (2018). Concise history of psychological measurement instruments. British Journal of Psychology Research, 6(3), pp 18-31. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7832222

Ano: 2018 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M. & Navarro, R. (2018). Teaching Materials: Role-Play Simulation on Brazilian Government and Non-Market Forces Negotiation.  European Journal of Training and Development Studies, 5(4), 45-56. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834415

Ano: 2018 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M.; Ramos, M. (2018). Credit Cooperatives in Brazil.  International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 7(10), 598-603. doi: 10.21275/ART20191901

Ano: 2018 | País: India

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Dias, M.; Teles, A. (2018). Teaching Materials: Three-Party Role-Play Simulation
on Brazilian Social Mediation Case.
  European Journal of Training and Development Studies, 5(4), 10-25. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834700

Ano: 2018 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M. (2018) Evolution of Cooperative Societies in Brazil.  International Journal of Community and Cooperative Studies, 6(4), 1-11. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834688

Ano: 2018 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M.; Magalhães, M.; Soares, C.P.; Valle, A. (2018). Critical Success Factors on Business Process Orientation.  International Journal of Management Technology, 5(3), 43-61. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834676

Ano: 2018 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M.; Teles, A. (2018) Vote in Brazil and general elections 2018: are the pillars of democracy in danger?  Global Journal of Politics and Law Research, 6(6), 1-15. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834712

Ano: 2018 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M.; Davila Jr., E. (2018) Overcoming Succession Conflicts in a Limestone Family Business In Brazil.  International Journal of Business and Management Review, 6(7), 58-73. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834703

Ano: 2018 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M. (2018). O agente público e a confiança circunstancial: validação do modelo de escala. International Contemporary Management Review, 1(2), 1-17.
doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834697

Ano: 2018 | País: Brasil

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Dias, M.; Teles, A.; Pilatti, K. (2018) The Future of Privatization in Brazil: Regulatory and Political Challenges.  Global Journal of Politics and Law Research, 6(2), 32-42. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834709

Ano: 2018 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M., and Aylmer, R. (2018) Are the generational interactions in the Brazilian workplace different from other countries?  GJHRM, 6(1), 9-25. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834634

Ano: 2018 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M.; Aylmer, R. (2018) Is the Brazilian Civil Service reform about to succeed?  Global Journal of Political Science and Administration, 6(2), 13-25.
doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834694

Ano: 2018 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M., Teles, A., Duzert, Y. (2018) Will Boeing Succeed with the Embraer Acquisition Operation, Despite the Brazilian Federal Government Golden Share Veto?  IJBMR, 6(2), 55-64.doi:

Ano: 2018 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M., Teles, A. Duzert, Y. (2018) Did Embraer Succeed In Adopting The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) In Brazil?  European Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Research, 6(2), 51-62. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834637

Ano: 2018 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M., Navarro, R. (2018). Is Netflix Dominating Brazil?  International Journal of Business and Management Review. 6, No.1, 19-32, January 2018. ISSN: 2052-6407. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834643

Ano: 2018 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M., Navarro, R. (2017). O Fator Confiança em Relações Governamentais e sua importância para o futuro da atividade.  Revista Brasileira de Relações Institucionais e Governamentais, 1(3), 38-41. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834697

Ano: 2017 | País: Brasil

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Dias, M.; Duzert, Y. (2017). Teaching Materials: Role-Play Simulation on E-Business Negotiation.  European Journal of Training and Development Studies, 4(3), 1-15. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834655

Ano: 2016 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M., (2016). São Francisco River Transposition Civil Work: Challenges to the Brazilian Economy.  The International Journal of Business & Management.  4(12), 65-70. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834724

Ano: 2016 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M.; Alves, H.; Pezzella, M. (2016) São Francisco Valley: Vitiviniculture Activities in the Brazilian Unthinkable Semiarid Climate and its Challenges.  IJBMReview 4(10), 1-13. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834727

Ano: 2016 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M.; Navarro, R.; Barros, J., Valle, A. (2016). Negotiating with the Brazilian Government: Five Short Cases.  The International Journal Of Business & Management, 4(11), 181-189. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834721

Ano: 2016 | País: India

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Dias, M., Duzert, Y. (2016). Fiat Chrysler Automobiles in Brazil: Alliance Consolidated.  The International Journal Of Business & Management, 4(2), 160-166. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834733

Ano: 2016 | País: Inglaterra

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Dias, M. et al. (2015). Brazilian Fashion Business Dudalina S/A: Case Revisited.  International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 4(1), 11-24. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834730

Ano: 2015 | País: EUA

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Dias, M. et al. (2014). Dudalina S/A: Case Study on How to Overcome Succession Barriers on a Brazilian Family Business. Business and Management Review, 3(12), 217-229. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834748

Ano: 2014 | País: EUA

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Dias, M. et. al. (2014). Domestic Workers' Rights in Brazil: Improvement of Labor Regulation.  Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 3(2), 9-21. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834745

Ano: 2014 | País: EUA

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Dias, M. et. al. (2014). FIAT and Chrysler in Brazil: Anatomy of an Alliance.  International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 3(1), 1-13. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834739

Ano: 2014 | País: EUA

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Dias, M.; Rigotti, M. F; Valle, A. (2014). Teaching Materials: Three-Party Role-Play Simulation Gender and Generational Conflict Management - Brazilian Case. IJBMS, 3(1), 537-549. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13173386

Ano: 2014 | País: EUA

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Dias, M., Navarro, R.; Valle, A. (2013). BMW and Brazilian Federal Government: Enhancing the Automotive Industry Regulatory Environment.  IJAS, 6(2), 551-567. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834742

Ano: 2013 | País: EUA

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Dias, M. (2012). Two Case Studies on how to Deal Effectively with Fixed plus Variable Costs Contracts.  International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 1(3), 505-515. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7832288

Ano: 2012 | País: EUA

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